Prioritized Backlog Template
This prioritized backlog template can be used as a lens for prioritization decisions, in conjunction with, or in the absence of other qualitative and quantitative sources of data. I’ve found that a tool like this is best conceptualized as a means to facilitate prioritization decision making conversations. In other words, the prioritized template will give you a force ranked list of backlog items (based upon your inputs), however it can’t make the right “what should we work on” decision for you.
User Story Training
This slide deck can be used to facilitate a conversation about User Stories – either with beginners, or as a good refresher about where user stories came from and how they can be used as a tool to develop great software.
Deployment Sanity Checks
What can you do when you find that you’re not getting what you expect after a software deployment? Breaking changes, unexpected changes can all be reduced through a demo and sanity check conversation before deployment – involving the entire team.